AGM Sunday 4th August 2024 6pm at the club.

A. Club Vision

The aim of the club is to encourage all members of XDC to promote a healthy and friendly sporting environment, to bring about a good level and standard of badminton representing the Worcestershire area.

B. Registration

The club is registered with the Worcestershire Badminton Association (WBA) as XDC club. As an affiliated club we shall comply with the rules and regulations directed by that association. As affiliated members we are affiliated to Badminton England (BE) and must comply with their rules also.

C. Committee

There will be an elected committee to represent the club and its members. Positions held will be:

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Match Secretary
  • Social Secretary
  • Web Administrator
  • Team Captains

Election of committee members will take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Posts will be held for 12 months. If for any reason a vacancy arises on the committee, then the committee may nominate a temporary replacement. The vacant position will be advertised giving full details. There will be a closing date for applications which will be 14 days from the date of advertising the post, after which the committee will:

  1. If only one nominee, deem that person to be duly elected
  2. If more than one person is nominated the committee will arrange a ballot. Nominees, dates and times to be published on the club website. The ballot will run over 14 days. The result being published on the website on the 15th day.

D. Membership.

The annual cost of membership will be reviewed by the committee and proposed at the AGM. Potential new members may apply through the committee. The application will be assessed over a period of up to 4 playing visits to the club and a reply given in 14 days.

Fees must be paid as the treasurer dictates, the timing of which may be altered at his/her discretion, subject to prior agreement of the committee.

Where a member is in debt to the club, he or she may not rejoin the club until any and all existing debts are repaid to the club, subject to any specific ruling which may be made by the committee.

Guest players may be invited to the club by a member on a Sunday. Guests may attend six Sunday sessions. They may then apply for membership subject to agreement by the committee.

Where a league game has been arranged on Sunday, in fairness to other club members the committee may limit the number of guests.

E. Team Membership.

It is the responsibility of the individual team captains to ensure all their players are registered to the WBA and BE via the secretary. Should any circumstances arise that a team captain requires to use a member of another team, it is the responsibility of that team captain to seek permission of the member’s team captain first.

An XDC member may be a member of another badminton club. Teams will be selected by the committee.

Where appropriate, priority will be given to XDC members who do not represent any other team on a league basis. Club members will be expected to participate in normal club activities as well as playing on match nights.

F. Team Captains.

All league teams have a captain. They will be responsible for:

  1. Availability of players, making arrangements for transport and directions for away games, collection of match fees, shuttles, and refreshments where appropriate.
  2. Attendance at committee meetings
  3. Dealing with team complaints
  4. Keeping the match secretary informed of any proposed fixture changes. This applies to both home and away fixtures.

G. Fixtures.

The match secretary will be responsible for:

Ensuring that all teams have their games equally distributed.
All fixture alterations and notifying team captains of these changes.

H. Funds.

All raised funds belong to XDC. As well as normal expenditure, shuttles, adverts, correspondence etc the club may with agreement, use funds to:

  1. Promote competition within the club.
  2. Promote competition with other clubs.
  3. Promote badminton in general. This will involve costs going to help towards coaching and other badminton projects.
  4. Other than agreed receipted expenses, no person may be funded for any activity that does not involve XDC.

I. Treasurer

The treasurer will be responsible for maintaining an accurate record of all monies coming into and leaving the club. Receipts will be issued and invoices filed and kept as a record. A ledger will also be maintained to support all income and expenditure.

The treasurer will also provide for the AGM a complete audit of the books. The audit will be performed by a member other than the treasurer and will be approved by the chairperson.

The treasurer will be able to account for all funds at any time when called for by the committee.

The treasurer and one other will be accountable for signing of cheques. A minimum of two signatures must be on all cheques.

In the event that XDC ceases to exist as a club, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be called within 14 days. When decided by a majority vote the funds will be distributed as agreed, and the treasurer and co-signatures will inform the bank of the club’s actions.

J. Information.

The club website will be maintained by the club committee. Team captains with the web administrator are responsible for keeping their team results up to date.

All fixtures and events will be displayed on the website.

K. Conduct.

All club members must comply with WBA and XDC rules. Personal good conduct both on and off court must be shown to fellow members and guests. Unacceptable conduct during matches at home or away will be reported and action will be taken. This will be either:

  1. Warning
  2. Fine
  3. Suspension
  4. Dismissal from the club

Should 4 be actioned then a full report will be submitted to the WBA for their information.

L. Complaints.

All members have the right to complain. Complaints must be made in writing to either:

  1. Team captain, if it is a team matter, or
  2. Chairperson, for any other matters.

Should members wish to object to a committee decision or raise areas of concern and they have no satisfaction from L.1 or L.2 they may call an EGM as follows:

  1. Register the complaint with the club secretary
  2. Collect 50% of the total membership names and signatures as supporters
  3. Present these within 14 days to the club secretary
  4. The club secretary will arrange for an EGM to be held within the next 21 days.

The complaint will then be dealt with.

Should the complainant fail to achieve the support of 50% of the membership within the 14 days then that complaint will have failed and no further action will be taken subject to the agreement of the committee.

The XDC committee.